Lawyer Iasi

Lawyer Civil Iasi

Lawyer good Iasi


The interloper refuses to withdraw his complaint

„Mihai Cazacu hit me with his fist right in my face and Petre Cazacu hit me in the back with a chair. Mihai Cazacu grabbed a rack and tried to hit me in the head. I blocked the hit with my foot“, told Constantin Gangal to the policemen. He also claims that the millionaire took 2.000 Ron from the pocket of his jacket. When he found out that his adversary needed 70 days of medical care, Mihai Cazacu was indignant: „I didn’t break his leg! He broke it himself. He wanted to hit me, I avoided him and he slammed it into a table. I have witnesses!“, said Cazacu. The millionaire is convinced that in the end the policemen will see that he is innocent.

Instead Geanina Poroşnicu, Constantin Gangal’s lawyer says that only the judges could compensate her client’s suffering: „Unfortunately, it seems that the underworld practices are a good way to make money. My client does not withdraw his complaint even if mister Cazacu gives him a million Ron“, said Geanina Poroşnicu.

Most probably, in the following days, Mihai Cazacu will be summoned by the Police to present his version of the story.

Poroşnicu, Gangal’s lawyer:My client does not withdraw his complaint, not even for a million euro.