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Discussions on fraudulent misrepresentations in the field of public international law

This article underlines the comparative analysis of fraudulent misrepresentations and examines the regulating pattern used against it in the public international law and national law.

According to “Vienna Convention of treaties between states” (1969), the fraudulent misrepresentations are:
- violations of the provisions from the national law regarding the competence to conclude treaties;
- error;
- criminal intent;
- corruption of a state representative;
- coercion exercised on a state representative;
- coercion exercised on a state.

Fraudulent misrepresentations are sanctioned within the public international law and national law by nullity in law, either absolute (for coercion exercised on a state representative and on a state), or relative (for violations of national law regarding the competence to conclude treaties, error, criminal intent, corruption of a state representative). In certain cases, the national law provisions are almost identical with Vienna convention provision, for example (criminal intent), but sometimes – violation of national law regarding the competence to conclude treaties – Vienna convention provisions are in obvious contradiction with the specific civil theory, as the state can invoke the inobservance. Concurrently, national law establishes the rule according to which nobody can invoke its own turpitude (guilt).

As a conclusion we can state that the regulation pattern of nullity, taken from the national civil law and transposed in the Vienna Convention does not satisfy the demands and rigors of defining the nullity.

Roxana Lupu- Nicolăiţă
Maria Paula Pantilimon- Tataru

• Raluca Miga Beşteliu- “Public International Law. Introduction in the Public International Law”- All Printing House, Bucharest, 1998
• Valentin Constantin- “Public International Law”- Universităţii de Vest Publishing House, Timişoara, , 2004
• Ion Diaconu- “Treaty of Public International Law”- Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002
• Gheorghe Beleiu- “Romanian Civil Law. Subjects of Civil Law”, Şansa Printing Press, Bucureşti, 1995, p. 178

In a normal process, the lawyer leads his client on the wire, until he reaches a ruling verdict, but when it comes to a special trial, the lawyer takes the client on his shoulders and carries him so until the verdict is pronounced and even after that.
Franz Kafka - the second version published in a limited edition of the famous novel "THE PROCESS"