Lawyer Iasi

Lawyer Civil Iasi

Lawyer good Iasi


Evenimentul, 26th of June 2010

Three lawyers are disputing the file and the situation was brought into the attention of the Bar Association * Marius Crudu is too incoherent to communicate with his defenders. Yesterday, Marius Ilie Crudu (38 years old), murderer of painter Ilinca Gânju (24 years old), was brought in front of the judges from the Court of Appeal. The man is accused of first degree murder.

They met in 2007 and Ilinca wasn’t aware that Marius was married and had two children. After she found out, the young woman decided to end the relationship. Crudu returned in the county on the 20th of April 2010, determined to make her change her mind, but failed. On 9th of May, Ilinca and Marius went to Little Texas and then to his apartment. Marius stabbed Ilinca ten times in the abdomen and chest and then tried to commit suicide by swallowing pills. Although the man has been hospitalized before, the psychiatrists established he was responsible at the moment of the murder. They diagnosed him with personality disorder. Tuesday, the Court magistrates arrested the man for 29 days, but he appealed yesterday. Three lawyers came forward yesterday – Delia Navrotescu, Mihaela Vătavu and Gianina Poroșnicu were hired by different relatives of the man and found out all the details in the courtroom. An intense break of phone calls between them and Crudu’s family followed. This situation baffled even the judges.

In the end, Mrs. Poroșnicu requested the postponement of the trial. „I made an arrangement with his brother, supported by his uncle and the rest of the family. Yesterday I prepared the documents and visited him, but he’s not well. He suffers from schizophrenia and in order to receive medical treatment certain protocols must be followed in the Penitentiary. We couldn’t have a proper conversation. I requested that his medicines should be given to him so he can be clear and have a conversation with him about the situation”, said Mrs. Gianina Poroşnicu, who asked to thoroughly study the file together with Marius Crudu.

The situation caught the attention of Bar Association chiefs, after a cousin of Crudu from Bacău filed a document in which the family considers Mrs. Poroşnicu as the defender of the murderer and doesn’t understand the necessity of the other lawyers, whose presence is neither wanted nor justified anymore. „We will contact the other two lawyers and make the necessary examinations”, told us the Vice Dean of Bar Association, Adrian Mogoş. Mrs. Navrotescu says she doesn’t want to hear anything about Crud: „I am not fighting for that case. There is a legal assistance signed by a relative, the defendant also saw it. If there was any request filed, I will respond and bring that contract. I am not interested in that case!” (Ş.Czeller)

The judges postponed the appeal for 30th of June and on the 29th of June Crudu and his lawyer will meet at the Appeal Court Archive. 

Buna Ziua Iasi, 1st of July 2010

Marius Crudu claimed through his lawyer that is the victim wouldn’t provoke him, the situation could be different • Therefore, the scenario he proposes now claims that after they entered the room, the painter made him take the knife in his hand • „If she talked more nicely in those moments and calmed me down, I wouldn’t take the knife. I never intended to kill her because I loved her so much. She is also to blame in this story, because she knew I was suffering from psychic illnesses and receive treatment” Marius Crudu supposedly said.

Marius Crudu requested yesterday to the judges from the Court of Appeal to be release. He hoped that the magistrates will be lenient and let him go home. The version used by his defender is incredible: the victim, painter Ilinca Gânju, could be also guilty of provoking the murder. The defense claims that Marius Crudu never intended to kill her and it was just a temporary mistake. The exclusion of intent, aggravating circumstance used by the investigators at the indictment, is tested at the moment. Even if this version sounds absurd and is not supported by clear evidences, Marius Crudu claimed, through his lawyer that if the victim did not provoke him the murder wouldn’t have taken place. Therefore the murder would have taken place in different circumstances than those exposed by the prosecutors. The student living there with rent was not send away because he wanted to murder Ilinca, but to discuss and celebrate together her birthday. Crudu claims he ordered a reconciliation cake that night. He also claims he had a third present for her. His scenario claims that they entered the room, the painter determined him to take the knife. Even if she was aware he suffers from mental illnesses, the young woman raised her voice and did not accepted his opinion on their relationship. From his point of view, when he became enraged, she should have tried to settle the conflict and calm him down. „If she talked nicer in those moments and calmed me, I would not have reached for the knife. She is also guilty in this story, because she knew I had mental illnesses and receive treatment” Marius Crudu supposedly told a close person. Yesterday, in front of the judges, he didn’t accept to offer a statement. “There is a very strong empathy between the victim and aggressor and now we can observe an over-incrimination of the defendant in relation with his act. You must take into account the fact that he tried to commit suicide immediately after the murder. We are talking about a limited social danger; as the mental illness of the defendant was known, the victim impacted strongly the aggressor’s actions. We also must consider the defendant’s personality. He is very sensitive”, said lawyer Gianina Poroșnicu, defender of Marius Crudu. The lawyer also stated she knew very well he is mentally ill and he was hospitalized three times at Socola. Yesterday after-noon, the judges from the Court of Appeal rejected the appeal filed by Marius Crudu against the arrest warrant issued by Iași Court.